Mini courses

The complete schedule (click here) of the mini courses is subject to change. The numbers of participants in Mini Courses is limited and registration is only confirmed after payment. In Mini Courses where there are more registrations than available spots, they will be filled in order of payment date.


Earth Observations and Machine Learning Algorithms for Land Applications

Responsible institution
National Institute for Space Research (INPE)

Present to the students an introduction to the most commonly used machine learning algorithms with applications in Earth observation image processing and related applications.

  1. Earth Observation;
  2. Data, images and knowledge extraction;
  3. Image processing automation;
  4. Classification;
  5. Clustering and Segmentation;
  6. Other techniques;
  7. Advanced approaches;
  8. Approaches to other Earth observation data.
Target audience

Undergraduate and graduate students, and space professionals.

Study load

6 hours

Official language



30 attendees


Introduction to Nanosatellites and Cubesats

Responsible institution
National Institute for Space Research (INPE)

Learn basic concepts of Nanosatellites and Cubesats, and their systems such as on-board computer, power supply, attitude control, communications, and payload.

  1. Introduction to Space Engineering;
  2. Concepts of Space Systems Engineering;
  3. Cubesats Workshops;
  4. Space Climate Workshop - Assembling magnetometers;
  5. Introduction to nanosatellite subsystems;
  6. Development and testing using a CubeSat model;
  7. On-board Computer (OBDH);
  8. Power Supply (EPS);
  9. Attitude Determination and Control System (ADCS);
  10. Communications (COMM);
  11. Payload;
  12. Final Project.
Target audience

Everyone who wants to know and understand what nanosatellites, CubeSats, and their subsystems are.

Study load

8 hours

Official Language



30 attendees


Introduction to Science and Model Rocketry

Responsible institution
Aerospace Development Group/Federal University of Ceará (GDAe/UFC)

The main goals are:

  1. Train teachers and students, presenting the theory and carrying out practical activities in laboratory related to the development of mini-rockets, allowing the manufacture and future improvement of these artifacts.
  2. Disseminate Astronautics among students and the public, awakening vocations for science and engineering, especially for Aerospace engineering.

At the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  1. Explain the theory related to rocket propulsion;
  2. Use free software to support the rocket project;
  3. Manufacture 1 type of solid propellant;
  4. Perform bench tests;
  5. Assemble and launch mini rockets.
  1. Module 1 (2 hours): rocket theory; what is it?; how it works; the parts of a rocket; aerodynamics and stability;
  2. Module 2 (1 hour): introduction to open rocket;
  3. Module 3 (2 hours): rocket engine; basic combustion theory; combustion chamber; impulse and nozzle;
  4. Module 4 (2 hours): propellants; security; tools; propellants preparation and test;
  5. Module 5 (1 hour): tests; benches; grain test; ignition test and stability test
  6. Module 6 (2 hours): launch systems; base; ignition system; recovery and fuselage and engine;
  7. Module 7 (1 hour): Launch!
Target audience

High school students and teachers, and undergraduate students.

Study load

8 hours

Official Language



30 attendees


Space Powers: An analysis approach

Responsible institution
Brazilian Space Agency (AEB)

The main goals are:

  1. Methodologically define and explain the concept of spatial power from a theoretical and empirical point of view.
  2. Present a comprehensive set of necessary conditions to achieve and maintain space power status.
  1. Introduction;
  2. Concepts of Space Power;
  3. The Space Power framework;
  4. Measuring Space Power.
Target audience

Undergraduate, graduate and professional students.

Study load

6 hours

Official Language



30 attendees


The space and innovation in science education

Responsible institution
Nucleo Interactivo de Astronomia ( - Portugal

This course aims to present some innovative ideas for science teaching, considering the digital skills of teachers and students and the active involvement of schools and the communities to which they belong.

  1. Inquiry-based learning;
  2. Interdisciplinary teaching STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math);
  3. Design Thinking in Education - Schools as a knowledge center for the surrounding communities and students as agents of change;
  4. Space exploration in our daily lives;
  5. Astronomy and scientific research in the classroom;
  6. Digital tools to improve learning;
  7. Digital platforms.
Target audience

It is aimed at all educators who want to modernize their style of interaction with students.

Study load

8 hours

Official Language



30 attendees


COPERNICUS Data for Ocean Remote Sensing

Responsible institution
National Institute for Space Research (INPE) / Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)

Introduce students and professionals to basic knowledge about ocean remote sensing, its principles and applications, through general concepts and application examples, with emphasis on fisheries, aquaculture, ports and harbors.

  1. Introduction;
  2. Basic Physical Principles;
  3. Data Acquisition Levels;
  4. Data Processing Levels;
  5. Resolutions;
  6. Types of sensors;
  7. Ocean remote sensing products;
  8. Data sources (COPERNICUS, NASA, NOAA, others);
  9. Digital processing software (SNAP, others);
  10. Examples of applications.
Target audience

Undergraduate and graduate students, researchers, technicians and professionals interested in space technology applications in the ocean.

Study load

6 hours

Official Language



30 attendees



Responsible institution
National Institute for Space Research (INPE)

The goal is to make an introduction to the main problems and mathematical models used in orbital maneuvers and orbital dynamics. Several types of space missions will be explained as examples, such as interplanetary, low Earth Orbit, etc.

  1. Introduction: From planets to spacecraft;
  2. Kepler's Laws of orbital motion;
  3. Newton's Law of Gravitation;
  4. Potential Energy;
  5. Escape Velocity;
  6. Gravity near Earth;
  7. Keplerian Elements;
  8. Impulsive maneuvers;
  9. Concept of sphere of gravitational, Special orbits: sun-synchronous, frozen, etc.;
  10. Interplanetary maneuvers using patched-conics and Swing-By maneuvers.
Target audience

Everyone who wants to know and understand those topics.

Study load

8 hours

Official Language



30 attendees


Introduction to METEOSAT Third Generation and Satellite Data Processing for MTG-I1 and MetOp from EUMETSAT

Responsible institution
National Institute for Space Research (INPE) / Division of Satellites and Meteorological Sensors (DISSM) / European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT)

Acquire knowledge about the new generation of EUMETSAT geostationary satellites (MTG - METEOSAT Third Generation) and learn concepts about data processing and products from EUMETSAT GEO and LEO satellites using the Python programming language.

  1. Introduction to MTG;
  2. Introduction to satellite products and their applications;
  3. Introduction to the Python programming language;
  4. Hands-on: Learning to run Python scripts in the cloud;
  5. Hands-on: Access and Processing of LSA-SAF (“Land Surface Analysis”) data;
  6. Hands-on: Access and Processing of H-SAF (“Hydrology and Water Management”) data;
  7. Hands-on: Processing MTG-I1 simulated data.
Target audience

Students, technicians, meteorologists and researchers.

Study load

8 hours

Official Language



30 attendees


Satellite Remote Sensing of Fires – Priorities in South American Countries

Responsible institution
Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropécuaria (INTA), Argentina / National Institute for Space Research (INPE), Brazil / National Commission for the Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity, México

Target audience

Undergraduate, graduate and professional students.

Study load

3 hours

Official Language



Open to the wider public (Principal Auditorium)